Forest River Cherokee Grey Wolf travel trailer 23DBH highlights:
- Double-Size Bunks
- U-Shaped Dinette
- Dual Entry
- Outside Storage
- Outdoor Kitchen
You will love the space provided in this dual entry Cherokee Grey Wolf travel trailer that has double-size bunks! The rear entry door leads right into the full bath allowing easy access from outside when you need to use the bathroom while you're enjoying the great outdoors. The large U-shaped dinette slide will not only seat everyone comfortably for a meal or a game, but since it also slides out, it opens up the interior even more to give you plenty of space for foot traffic. For all of your outdoor gear, you will find the outside storage compartments handy for stowing away your things when not in use. While the kids enjoy their bunk beds, you will enjoy a good night's rest in your queen bed with wardrobes on either side up in the front private bedroom!
Whether it's a journey that will take you to new locations or a tried-and-true getaway to that favorite and memorable destination, the Forest River Cherokee Grey Wolf travel trailers and toy haulers are going to make the trip worth it every single time! You can travel in confidence with the premium wheel package, seamless roofing membrane with heat reflectivity, Power Gear frame technology with space-saver rail design, and Cherokee back-up camera system. The Cherokee Grey Wolf's interior is highly attractive with its stainless steel kitchen suite package, premium bedding ensemble and comforter, and 8" ceiling-mounted subwoofer with accent lighting. You will also find a black waste tank flush-out kit, an outside shower with hot and cold water, an armored underbelly tank enclosure, a power tongue jack, and an RV grill quick connect.
*****Stock Photos, actual colors & options may vary*****
Disclaimer: *While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the vehicle description displayed on this page, the dealer makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the vehicle description.*
Price includes a Documentation Fee of $199.00 sometimes referred to as a "Dealer Prep Fee".
Please contact the dealer for overall details on the finance charges and full loan disclosure details.
The trailer must be hitched by the buyer.